What employers must provide | What employers cannot do |
Minimum pay rate (they can pay you more but not less). | Expect long work trials without pay or pay you an hourly rate less than the Government approved minimum. |
Annual leave/sick leave if you are a part time or full time employee. | Not pay you for attending meetings or training. |
Provide a safe working environment (physically and mentally). | Discriminate against you based on your age, gender, sexuality, or your nationality. |
Opportunity to take breaks during your shift. | Ask you to receive goods or services instead of pay. |
Sending you a payslip. | Terminate your employment (sack you) if you are sick or injured. |
Know Your Basic Work Rights !!
Know more about Work Rights
Working restrictions for student visa holders
Casual Employee Rights
Fair Work Ombudsman
Protection from discrimination at work
Open a bank account
Go to a Branch near where you live and make an appointment with one of the staff and discuss the different options available. Shop around. Do some online research.
"Employers can pay you by cash, cheque, money or postal order or through electronic funds transfer into your bank account. If your employer pays you by cash, the tax must be sent to the Australian Tax Office. It against the law for employers to pay you ‘cash in hand’."
Apply for a Tax File Number (TFN)
Why have a TFN? If you get a job, you will need to pay income tax, just as Australian residents need to.
Apply online for your Tax File Number (TFN)

Financial Health
Life Skills Program
"Managing your money is vital for you to thrive and survive"
Plan out your ‘ingredients’. Ingredients are all the things you will need to buy or pay for on a monthly basis.
Do some research to find out how much your ingredients will cost (eg rent, food, utilities).
Write your list down with the associated cost of every item. Stick to your budget.
"Gambling is legal in Australia and commonly available across the country. "
There are a number of gambling activities, including:
Table games offered at Casinos
Electronic gaming machines (can be colloquially known as ‘pokies’)
Electronic table games
Racing or sports betting at venues, online or using an app
How to do a budget - Moneysmart budget planner
"Gambling comes with the risk of potential harm."
Relationship harm (e.g. relationship conflict)
Health problems (e.g. stress, reduced sleep)
Emotional or psychological distress (e.g. regret, anger, worry)
Financial problems (e.g. less money to spend on food, borrowing money to gamble)
Issues with work or study (e.g. distraction, missing classes)
Cultural problems (e.g. reduced connection to community, feelings of shame)
Criminal activity (e.g. stealing to fund gambling)
If you still choose to gamble ,reduce your risk of harm
Limiting the amount of time and money spent gambling. You can do this by:
Using the pre-commitment tools offered by the gambling operator
Consider the amount of time and money you can afford to lose BEFORE you gamble.
Only take your set amount of gambling money with you
Do not chase losses (i.e. try to win back money you have lost) Keep track of the amount of money and time you spend on gambling.
Take regular breaks from gambling.
Treating gambling expenditure as an entertainment expense, and not a way to make money:
Remember that gambling outcomes are completely random. Playing longer does not increase your chances of winning. The longer you keep playing, the more likely you are to walk away with less money than when you started.
When you gamble, expect to lose money, and only gamble with money you can afford to lose.
Know the early warning signs of gambling harm, which include:
Spending more time and money than you can afford.
Gambling more to win back lost money or get out of financial trouble.
Gambling to cope with or escape from stress. Thinking more about gambling.
Missing school, work or neglecting other areas of life.
Know the early warning signs of gambling harm, which include:
Spending more time and money than you can afford.
Gambling more to win back lost money or get out of financial trouble.
Gambling to cope with or escape from stress. Thinking more about gambling.
Missing school, work or neglecting other areas of life.
Can I work and earn an income as an International Student?
Yes you can. Check with your visa status on the conditions of this.
Do I have to pay tax?
Yes you will. The majority of international students in Australia are entitled to claim a tax refund at the end of the year and pay an average of 15.5% income tax on their earnings.
Do I need to lodge a tax return?
Yes it is very important to complete a tax return – not only to avoid fines and penalties but having your tax affairs in order will help with future visa applications.
How much tax will I need to pay?
Non-residents pay 15% on their first $37,000. Residents pay 0% on their first $18,200, then 19% from $18,200-$37,000. If you are studying in Australia for 6 months or more, you are regarded as an Australian Resident for taxation purposes.
What deductions can I claim?
You can claim work related expenses e.g. uniforms, work related training courses, tools/equipment or car/transport. Make sure you keep receipts for everything.
When do I apply for a tax return in Australia?
You have to be in Australia for at least 6 months before you can claim a tax return. The Australian financial year runs from 1st July until 30th June each year. You need to lodge your return by 31st October. You should receive an annual PAYG payment from your employer by 14th July, which will mean you can start processing your tax return.
Frequently Asked Questions
Reset :
Free and Confidential App.
Practical steps to help you manage your gambling.
100 Day Challenge :
Set your goal to take a break, cut back or stop gambling.
GamblingLess: In the Moment :
24/7 gambling support to people who want to change their gambling habits.

Gambling Support - Apps
Check out AusWISE “No Interest Loans” on our website if you need to take a loan.
Keep a sharp eye out for student discounts/offers and carry your student card on you at all times.
Adapt your lifestyle - shop at the Salvo or Op Shops and pick up bargains.
Hit the wet markets rather than the supermarkets when it is near closing time and pick up some special deals on fresh food and vegetables.
Find out where to get free food within your suburbs and university.
Never sign a contract for another person.
Do not own a credit card if you cannot pay it off.
Make sure you receive a payslip.
Do not be baited to take on cash jobs where you have no rights.
International students have all of the same employment rights as domestic students, although there may be a limit to the number of hours a week you can work during the semester. Check your visa conditions for more details.
Use the P.A.C.T Tool for calculating award rates and minimum wage based on your job.
JobWatch information line: http://jobwatch.org.au/ (Vic/Tasmania/Qld).
Outside of the Melbourne CBD, there are a range of local community legal centers (Victoria) that may be able to assist international students with providing further legal information.
AusWISE Top Tips
Australia Wide
National Gambling Helpline :
Phone: 1800 858 858
24/7 Available
Confidential Translation services available
Connection to local support services
Gambling Help Online :
Website: www.gamblinghelponline.org.au/
Free 24/7 Chat
Email Counselling
Connection to local support services
New South Wales
Gambling Help NSW :
Website: www.gambleaware.nsw.gov.au/
Helpline: 1800 858 858 (Free; 24/7)
Gambling help information translated in multiple languages.
Connect to local counselling services.
Western Australia
Gambling Help WA (Centrecare) :
Phone: (08) 9325 6644 for appointments in Perth, (08) 9721 5177 for appointments in the South West. Website: www.centrecare.com.au/metroservices/gambling-help-metropolitan-andrural/gambling-help-wa
Free counselling service for people affected by problem gambling, their partners and families.
"If you or someone you know is experiencing gambling-related harm or would like to quit, or cut back on gambling, free and low-cost support is available."
Gambling Help Info
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation :
Gamblers Help :
Website: www.gamblershelp.com.au
Helpline: 1800 858 858 (Free; 24/7)
Gambling help information translated in multiple languages
Connect to local counselling services
Multicultural Gambling Harm Prevention Services :
Phone: 1800 329 192
Website: www.ssi.org.au/our-services/healthwellbeing/multicultural-gambling-harmprevention-services/
Email: gamblingharmprevention@ssi.org.au
In-language support
Culturally informed and confidential gambling support
Gambling Help Online :
Website: www.gamblinghelponline.org.au/
Free 24/7 Chat
Email Counselling
Connection to local support services
Chinese Gambling Concern Inc (CGCI) :
Helpline: 1800 881 663 (Free: 9am–9pm, 7 days a week) Website: http://cgci.org.au/
Email: enquiry@cgci.org.au
Address: Suite 16, 27 Bank St, Box Hill Town Hall Hub, Box Hill VIC 3128
Free Helpline
Free, confidential and holistic approach and service
Community education on gambling-related issues
Assistance in participation in self-exclusion or pre-commitment scheme
Referral to other community services when necessary
Melbourne Counselling Services (Salvation Army) :
Phone: (03) 9653 3250
Email: mcsintake@salvationarmy.org.au
Website: www.salvationarmy.org.au/melbournecounsellings ervice/
Address: 69 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
Gambling-help counselling, financial counselling
Interpreter services available
Free and confidential
Open hours
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 5 pm
Tuesday 9am to 7 pm (after hours appointments available if requested)